A few ships torpedoed in the Gulf oF bHurmuz/b. Then attacks on American and indian interests all over the world. The slow wave will not retaliate in a frenzy. Rather it will be a tsunami after an earthquake. b....../b DALITS & MUSLIMS Governor Bobby Jindal funded by Anti-Semitic Terrorists Modi & Hindu fundamentalist Modi in ?India? funded by US Gujaratis Governor Bobby Jindal is financed by Indian American bHotel/b Association and he supports the IAHA which funds Modi Christians b.../b
Umman Körfezi ile Basra Körfezi?nin aras?ndad?r. Bo?az?n kuzey k?y?s?nda ?ran, güney k?y?s?nda ise Umman topraklar? bulunur. Genişli?i 60 kilometre kadard?r. Ortado?u petrollerinin %40??n? (ABD, Bat? Avrupa ve Çin?e gönderilen petrolün b.../b